Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Fiji

Even though I just posted a blog about the wedding that was very close to Christmas, I thought I would explain how my first Christmas in Fiji was.

I very much missed my family, and I had some break downs during the day. But inbetween the very few breakdowns I had, I was surrounded by so many people in my village who were so filled with joy that I couldn't be sad.

With any holiday, Kioa likes to celebrate with parities, dancing, and food. Christmas Eve started with going around with the Youth (people 18-30) singing to all the elderly and new born babies. It was really fun to be able to hang out with people my own age and just sing. Granted they sang in Tuvaluan, so I only clapped and sang when I knew the words.
The Christmas Eve church service started at 10:00pm and was a midnight service. I was given the opportunity to sing and play the guitar at the service and sand "Silent Night". I gave a little description and history of the song so that they could understand why I had chosen this particular song. They really seemed to enjoy it by the clapping and thanks that I received after I sang. Hopefully they will ask me to do some more in the church so I can better integrate and share my music.

After the service I went home to change and wait for my neighbor friend to come and get me to go to the dance. He came over and we had a little bit of grog and then went to the dance until 3:00am when the power went out. Then we preceded to go to another house and have more grog until I finally said that I had to sleep for a little while before my family called me to wish me Merry Christmas. I went home and slept until 5:00am when my family from home called me to FaceTime with them. It was so amazing to see them all for Christmas and be able to spend some quality family time.

Because it was about 6:00am when I finished seeing my family, I stayed up and took some pictures of the sunrise. The tide was low so I was able to walk the beach and get some really sweet shots!
Christmas day consisted of eating a feast with the village for lunch and dinner with traditional dancing inbetween the feasts. It was really special to be part of their festivities, and made me feel so happy that I made the decision to stay in the village for this holiday.
Merry Christmas to everyone from Fiji! I hope you enjoy your big dinners that I'm sure you are
all having right about now.

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